Title: Introduction to Critical Theory
E407 | Full Marks: 70 | Time: 4 hours
all parts
Part A
any two of the following questions: [15x2=30]
1. What
does Northrop Frye mean by mythoi? Discuss in detail archetypal criticism.
2. What
is ideology? Trace the evolution of Marxism’s troubling relation with the
Discuss, with particular focus on
Millett and Showalter, Anglo-American feminism’s contribution to the
development of the Second Wave of feminism.
4. What
are the basic tenets and major schools of Psychoanalytic Criticism? Discuss the
effectiveness of using Freudian and / or Lacanian psychoanalysis in literary
5. Evaluate,
with reference to contemporary media and / or popular culture, Foucault’s ‘power/knowledge’
Part B
Attempt any one of the following:
6. Christopher
Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus is acclaimed
as a Renaissance individual who transgresses human boundaries and intends to
reach the ultimate a human can. However, his treatment of and attitude to the
bourgeoisie and the proletariat betray classism. Do you think that Doctor Faustus, with its iconoclastic
spirit, fails to critique classism and corresponding power relations? If so, do
you think the ‘Pope Scene’ raises some problem?
7. Adopting
Todorov’s ‘grammar of narrative, attempt a structuralist reading of R K Narayan’s
Waiting for the Mahatma or Chinua
Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.
8. Attempt
a postcolonial reading of E M Forster’s A
Passage to India.
Part C
9. Write short notes on any two of the
following: [5x2=10]
a) Defamiliarization
b) Ecriture
c) ‘Culture’
in Cultural Studies
d) Affective
fallacy and intentional fallacy
e) Postmodernity
Part D
Attempt any one of the
following: [10x1=10]
10. What does ‘red’ signify? (i) in the traffic
light, (ii) in a flag raised in a political meeting, (iii) as a literary motif,
(iv) in a rose, and (v) in a saree worn by a bride? Do you think that the
decoding of ‘red’ is context-dependent? How may then can the sign be
11. Read last four stanzas of Sylvia Plath’s poem,
“Lady Lazarus” and answer the questions that follow:
poke and stir,
bone, there is nothing there—
cake of soap,
wedding ring,
gold filling.
God, Herr Lucifer,
of the ash
rise with my red hair
I eat men like air.
a) Gerald
Prince differentiates ‘reader’ from ‘naratee.’ Who is the ‘narratee’ of the
poem? And, do the ‘narratee’ and ‘virtual reader’ coincide in this case?
b) Iser
argues that extra-literary norms, values and experience of the ‘actual reader’
lead him/her to “concretize” the text. Do you think that this poem communicates
differently with a woman and a man?
c) The
German word “Herr” (used to address a man, e.g. Herr Hitler) is used to refer
to God and Lucifer. Comment on the significance of the coupling of Herr, God,
and Lucifer.
d) Do
you think that the poem (a part of which is extracted here) is a feminist-
deconstruction of Lazarus? Focus on the title as well as the images of “ash,”
“red hair” and eating men “like air” in the last stanza.
12. Attempt a close reading of the poem, “The pool
Players: Seven at the Golden Shovel.”
We real cool. We
Left School. We
Lurk hate. We
Strike straight. We
Sing sin. We
Thin gin. We
Jazz June. We
Die soon.
of English | Jahangirnagar University
(Hons.) Part IV Examination 2013
Title: Professional Communication and Research Methodology
E408 | Full Marks: 70 | Time: 4 Hours
all parts
Part A
Question number 5 and two others: [5+ (15x2)]
1. What
are the major types of business report? Discuss the truths that a writer has to
consider while preparing a business report.
2. Prepare
a report, addressed to friend, on a class discussion. Use made-up names to
identify the instructor and students. Try to show how ideas took shape and what
conclusions resulted from the discussion.
3. Your
boss, Mr. M. M. Chowdhury, is in charge of relationships with company-owned
restaurants in Dhaka city. He has asked you to draft a memo announcing that
Pepsi is out and Coke is in.
4. Define
job application. Prepare a sample job application for the post of a Lecturer in
English at a public university.
5. Write
brief notes on any one of the following:
a) A
well-written résumé
b) A
complaint letter
c) Book
Part B
question number 10 and two others: [5+ (15x2)]
6. What
are literary and second language researches? Discuss the different types of
research on applied linguistics and second language learning / teaching, or
literary studies.
7. Define
research paper. Differentiate between a research proposal, an article and a
8. What
is material evolution? Why is material evaluation necessary for doing a
successful research? Discuss different ways of evaluating materials.
9. What
is an outline of a dissertation? Explicate when, why and how an outline is
Write how the following are documented in
either MLA or APA style in the “works cited” section of a research article:
a) An
article in an online journal.
b) A
book published in a second edition
c) A
book written by a single author and edited by editor.
d) A
book by two authors.
e) A
newspaper article written by more than three writers.