রবিবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৫

Meeting, Agenda and Minutes

Conducting Meeting:  General Body Meetings and meeting of smaller groups. 
Notice period.
The day, date, time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted should be mentioned in the notice. The items of business may be mentioned in the notice itself if their number is small, otherwise, they should be listed in a separate sheet and attached to the notice as Annexure.

Crown Cement Industries Limited
Registered Office: 40, Shatmashjid Road,
Dhaka- 1209

06 April, 2014

Notice is hereby given that the Second Meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at the registered office of the company, 40 Shatmashjid Road at 12:30pm on Friday, 11 April 2014.

The Agenda is attached.

Md. Asif Jaed

To Members of the Board of Directors

Agenda is an official list of things to be done or dealt with at a particular meeting. It is drawn up by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman. At the meeting the business is normally transacted in the order in which it is listed in the agenda. When the agenda is given as an annexure to a notice, or circulated separately it contains the following elements:
i.                     Name of the organization/group and the date of circulation.
ii.                   The day, date, time and place of meeting.
iii.                  The programme of business to be transacted.
iv.                 The background papers or information, if any.
v.                   Signature of the Secretary.
If the agenda forms part of the notice, only the business to be transacted is indicated because other details will already be there in the notice.
Crown Cement Industries Limited
6 April, 2014

Agenda for the Second meeting of the Board of Directors to be held at 12:30pm on Friday, 11 April 2014 at 40 Shatmashjid road, Dhaka.

2.01 Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting.
2.02 Confirmation of the appointment of Directors.
2.03 Appointment of the Managing Director of the company.
2.03 Accommodation for the branch office at Matijhil.
2.04 Issue of prospectus
2.05 Date for the next meeting.
2.06 Any other matter with the permission of the chairman/Miscellaneous.

Asif Jaed

The official records of discussions held and decisions taken at a meeting are called minutes. Minutes are generally written by the secretary of the organizational unit. Keeping minutes is a legal requirement. They serve as an aid to memory and provide a basis for action.
Minutes usually contain the main points of discussion, the conclusions reached, the recommendations made, and the tasks assigned to individual members and groups. They are not a verbatim record of the proceedings of a meeting. The emotions and feelings, if any, expressed by members during the course of discussion are generally not recorded. A clear, concise, accurate and well-organized summary of the business transacted is all that is required. Minutes, in fact, are a special type of summary of what happened at a meeting.
The following items are generally given in minutes. Keep them in mind.
i.                     The name of the organizational unit, e.g. Finance Committee, Board of Trustees.
ii.                   The date, time, and place of the meeting.
iii.                  The number of meeting if it is in a series, e.g. Sixth Meeting of the Board of Directors.
iv.                 The name of the chairman of the meeting.
v.                   Names of members present, of those who could not attend, and those who attended by special invitation.
vi.                 Record of transactions.
vii.                Signature of the secretary and the chairman.
The minutes become final only when they have been read at the next meeting, approved by the members and signed by the chairman. Often the minutes are circulated to members beforehand and then at the next meeting the chairman confirms them after ascertaining that members have no amendments to suggest.

Crown Cement Industries Limited

Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Board of Directors held at the Register Office of the company(40 Shatmashjid Road, Dhaka) at 12:30pm on Friday, 11 April, 2014.
1.       Md. Mamunar Rahsid      Chairman
2.       Md.
3.       Md.
4.       Sri.
1.       Md.
2.       Md.
In attendance: Asif Jaed, Secretary

No. of Minutes
Subject of Minutes
Details of Minutes
Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on January 12, 2014 were approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman.
Confirmation of the appointment of Directors
The Secretary reported that all the Directors present had accepted the office and signed the agreement to take the required number of qualification shares. He also stated that these documents had been filled with the Registrar of Companies.
Appointment of the Managing Director of the company.
Resolved: That Mr. Shariar Ahmed be appointed Managing Director of the Company.



Md. Ahsan Habib                                                                                                  Asif Jaed
Chairman                                                                                                              Secretary 15 April, 2014

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